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I am often asked how do I like retirement?

What don’t they understand?

I announced that I was slowing down,
when not traveling, I am as busy as ever!

In May I will be one of two recipients of Federation’s William Davidson Lifetime Achievement Award, sharing the honor with a dear friend, Dr. Lynda Giles.

I am thrilled to be the first Rabbi honored.

Will everyone think that there are no challenges yet to be met?

Forty-eight years in the same congregation, I wonder how long I have to do this to be included in the Guinness Book of Records.

In 1971 I decided to come to Detroit and have been part of a team that enabled Temple Israel to
become the largest and one of the most successful reform congregations in our country.

We were never impressed by our size, but took pride in the quality and creativity of our program.

I have lived in what I know to be one of the finest Jewish communities in America. I am thrilled to see the rebirth of the city of Detroit and the return of young adults.

I have enjoyed the opportunity to travel, meeting and engaging with the Jewish communities all over the world.

The people I work with and the leaders of our congregation are among my closest friends.

Does this sound like the conclusion of a career?

Why would anyone give up the best rabbinic position in the country?

I wrote this article while visiting my family in Short Hills, New Jersey.

It was due on February 23rd, which happens to be my 74th birthday.

I used to believe that I was very lucky.

There have been challenges, but so much of my life has turned out to be enjoyable and meaningful.

Now I add to lucky, I am truly blessed.

Slowing down, yes. Traveling more, absolutely. Choosing what I want to do, a gift.

Retiring, when they tell me that it is time.

Translation, when Susan and our children decide that by staying involved I will tarnish the memory of a wonderful career.

We will begin this conversation in about 20 years.

Lifetime Achievement Award; the announcement of the beginning of another exciting chapter.

Rabbi Harold Loss

Thu, March 27 2025 27 Adar 5785