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  • 		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    Tyner Religious School		                                </span>

Temple Israel’s Religious School has been nourishing the minds and souls of our youngest members for generations.

We aim to inspire a love of our shared history and tradition. Our Tyner Religious School is devoted to that goal, providing PK-12 students with a quality age-appropriate Jewish education that will guide them towards an active and meaningful Jewish life. Our dynamic faculty of Jewish educators are kind, brilliant, and dedicated to strengthening the fabric of our Judaism through lifelong learning.

We create. We grow. We learn.

At Temple Israel’s Tyner Religious School, Jewish values come to life as students not only learn about our Jewish history and traditions, but live the values we are taught in ancient literature.

For the 2025-2026 School Year we are excited to build on our exciting, experiential, innovative learning experiences for all grades.

Grades PK-3

• Students meet on Sunday mornings from 9:30-11:30am for learning focused on Jewish values, holidays, Israel, and Torah stories.

• Regular family education programs encourage families to live the values we teach.



Grades 4-6

• Students meet on Sunday mornings from 9:30-11:30am for learning focused on Jewish values, holidays, Torah stories, Israel, and Tikkun Olam, making the world a better place.

• Regular family education programs reinforce the values students are learning.

• Continuing the success of Hebrew in the House, students will meet 1-on-1 with teachers.

GRade 7

• Our 7th grade program meets Monday evenings. Students learn about Jewish Identity, the Holocaust and Israel.



Grade 8

• Our successful, experiential 8th grade program meets at Temple Israel and out in the community on Monday evenings.


Grades 9-12

• Our ROOTS program meets on Monday evenings at Temple Israel. Students alternate between learning with rabbis and elective classes that  prepare them to go off into the world with a strong Jewish identity.  

                              Temple Israel's Programs


Temple Israel is committed to being your partner in Jewish education. Please see below for a variety of Jewish resources for all ages.  We will continually update this list, so check back here often! 

Jewish Learning

  • Bimbam uses digital storytelling to teach about Judaism to learners of all ages.
  • Ji Tap: Create and play Jewish games.
  • My Jewish Learning: Geared toward all backgrounds and levels of knowledge, is all about empowering Jewish discovery for anyone interested in learning more.
  • PJ Library: Shares Jewish stories and resources for family together time that can help your family talk together about our values and traditions.
  • Sefaria: Is assembling a free living library of Jewish texts and their interconnections, in Hebrew and in translation.
  • Shalom Sesame: From the creators of Sesame Street, Shalom Sesame is a cross-platform media initiative developed to introduce American children to Jewish culture, Hebrew language and the diversity of Israel.

At-Home Hebrew Practice

Celebrate Shabbat

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785