The following is a listing of the available Temple Israel Tribute Funds:
- GIFTS - General Gifts Fund
- Provides general financial support of Temple Israel
- ABRAMSON - Larry Abramson z"l Junior Choir Fund
- Provides Junior Choir awards and other programs
- Administrator’s Discretionary Fund
- Supports charitable purposes
- Adult Israel Pilgrimage Fund
- Supports Temple Israel Pilgrimages to Israel for adults
- AGREE - George z"l & Shirley z"l Agree Caring Community Fund
- Provides parties for residents of nursing homes, orphanages, and shelters
- ANTI-SEMITISM - Temple Israel Anti-Semitism Education Fund
- Provides support for anti-Semitism education and programming
- APPEL - Appel Family Concert Fund
- Provides funding for an annual music program
- APPLE - Donna & Allan Apple Fund for Children with Special Needs
- Provides madrachim support for children with special needs
- ARNOLD - Susie F. Arnold Education and Choir Fund
- Provides funding for education and the Shabbat Singers Choir
- ARTS - Fine Arts Fund
- Supports the purchases of fine art at Temple Israel
- ASP - Donna & Alan Asp Emergency Assistance Fund
- Provides emergency assistance to Temple Israel members in crisis
- BARBAS - Barbas Family Fund
- Provides program funding for empty nester adults
- BARR - Maurice Edwin Barr z"l Hebrew Scholarship Fund
- Provides engraved bibles to two outstanding 8th grade students
- BARR - Miriam z"l & Dr. Isaac Barr Israel Education Fund
- To preserve the legacy of Miriam (Miri) Barr (Mania Lieder), a Holocaust survivor and, by inference, the Holocaust Jewish experience. She believed: 1. Israel is the core of Jewish existence, 2. Antisemitism must be challenged, 3. We must be proud of our Jewish heritage and teach to respect our history and core values.
- BARRIS - Barris Family Fund
- Provides speakers for Temple Israel programming
- BENDIX - Dr. Stephen Bendix z"l Memorial Fund
- Provides substance abuse education
- BERNDT - Mary Lou & Gary Berndt Minyan Fund
- Supports minyans at Temple Israel
- BERNSTEIN - Barbara E. Bernstein z"l Memorial Fund
- Provides support to families and individuals suffering a bereavement and provides assistance for family camp
- BIKKUR - Isaac z”l & Yetta Pann Bikkur Chaverim Fund
- Provides volunteer support and materials for homebound/nursing home individuals
- BITTKER - Morris z"l & Esther z"l Bittker Picnic Fund
- Sponsors the Annual Labor Day Picnic
- BLOOM - Barbara & Douglas z"l Bloom Special Needs Fund for Single Mothers
- Provides assistance to single moms in crisis who are Temple Israel members
- BLOOMBERG - Brenda Bloomberg z"l Memorial Awards Fund
- Awards books to graduating high school students
- BRENNER - David z"l & Jean z"l Brenner Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Provides a graduating senior from the Temple Israel high school with a stipend to purchase textbooks
- BRICKNER - Phyllis & Dr. Gerald z”l Brickner Family "QUEST" Fund
- Provides funding for QUEST youth programming
- BROTHERHOOD - Temple Israel Brotherhood Fund
- Supports Brotherhood programming
- BROWN - Brown Family Hebrew Education Fund
- Provides a full need-based Hebrew School scholarship annually
- BUDMAN - Marlene Budman z"l Remembrance Garden Fund
- Plants spring flowers annually on the grounds of Temple Israel
- CANTOR - Courtney Lisa Cantor z"l Israel Travel Scholarship Fund
- Provides funds for youth travel to Israel
- Cantor’s Discretionary Fund
- Supports charitable purposes
- Caring Community Fund
- Supports the programs of Temple Israel’s Caring Community
- COHN - Irwin I. Cohn z"l Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Provides funds for a trip to Israel for a Temple Israel student
- COLLENS - Dorothy & Arnold Collens Family Event Fund
- Provides funding for family programming
- COLTON - Josephine z"l & Harry z"l Colton Shabbat B’yachad and College Fund
- Provides a “First Shabbat” dinner to families of newborn or adopted children and college packages
- Concert/Lecture Fund of Temple Israel
- Assists in the support of concerts and lectures at Temple Israel
- COOPER - Carol R. z"l & Gersh I. z"l Cooper Scholarship Fund for Careers in Healthcare
- Provides scholarships for those pursuing a career in Health Care
- DANTO - Ethel z"l & Robert z"l Danto Children’s Library & Media Center Fund
- Provides annual support for the Hodari Family Children’s Library and Media Center
- DEMBS - Ryan Dembs z"l Memorial Fund*
- DUBIN - Arthur Dubin Children’s Special Needs School Fund
- Aids families with children with special needs
- EDELSON - Zachary M. Talan Edelson z"l Maccabi Scholarship Fund
- Provides scholarships for Temple Israel Maccabi participants
- ELLIS - Stephanie Hope Ellis z"l College Scholarship Fund
- Assists a college-bound Temple Israel religious school senior
- ENDOWMENT - General Endowment Fund
- Provides long term funding for Temple Israel
- ENVIRONMENTAL - Temple Israel Environmental Fund
- Supports Temple Israel “Green” projects
- ETHIOPIA - Hidden Jews of Ethiopia Fund
- Provides programming and assistance to the Hidden Jews of Ethiopia
- FARBER - Audrey z"l & William z"l Farber Education Fund
- Supports education programs at Temple Israel
- FENTON - Aaron Fenton z"l Memorial Fund
- Provides funding for Temple Israel programming
- FIENMAN - Anne z"l & Edward z"l Fienman College Scholarship Fund
- Provides a college scholarship to a graduating senior from Temple Israel religious school
- FORMAN - Dr. Joel Forman z"l Family Challah Roll Fund
- Supports the annual Challah Roll bike tour
- FOX - Jacqueline R. Fox Torah Study & School Scholarship Fund
- Provides school scholarships and funding for the Torah study class
- FRAM - Rabbi Leon Fram z"l Scholarship Fund
- Supports the Temple Israel’s religious school and nursery school scholarships and programs
- FREEMAN - Melvin Freeman z"l Homebound Assistance Fund
- Provides homebound Temple Israel members and their caregivers with support and assistance
- GELLER - Florence A. Geller z"l Food for the Needy Fund
- Provides food for the needy
- GELMAN - Jascha Gelman z"l Memorial Fund
- Provides funding for Israel trip scholarships
- GOLD - Dr. Fredric z"l & Linda Gold Newlywed Mezuzah Fund
- Provides a new Mezuzah and scroll to all newlywed couples blessed by our rabbis
- GOLDBERG - Dr. Robert B. Goldberg z"l Nursery School Fund
- Provides funding for Early Childhood Center programming
- GOODMAN - Albert Goodman z"l College Scholarship Fund
- Provides tuition assistance to a graduating senior of Temple Israel’s religious school
- GOODMAN - Arnie Goodman z"l Memorial Fund
- Provides funding for education programming for parents, educators, and the community
- GOODMAN - Goodman Family Judaica Museum Fund
- Provides funding for the Temple Israel Judaica Museum and its programs
- GOODMAN - Sylvia Goodman z"l Memorial Fund
- Provides support for Temple Israel Torah studies
- GORBACK - Esther z"l & Jack z"l Gorback Family Archives Fund
- Supports the Temple Israel archives
- GORDON - The David and Stacy Gordon Family "Do Good Fund"
- Supports programming at Temple Israel that benefits the greater good of our community specifically geared toward social action endeavors.
- GOTLIB - Steven Gotlib z"l Memorial Fund
- Supports Temple Israel's annual Housing the Homeless project
- GOTTLIEB - Harold Gottlieb z"l Camp Tamarack Scholarship Fund
- Provides need-based camperships for Temple Israel children attending Camp Tamarack
- GOTTLIEB - Stephen Gottlieb z”l Memorial Endowment Fund
- Supports Temple Israel music program
- GRANDON - Samuel F. Grandon z"l & Sylvia Grandon Goldstein z"l Memorial Fund
- Provides books as prizes to students in the religious school
- GROSS - Mollie z"l & Joseph z"l Gross Memorial Fund
- Provides a student with a campership to attend a camp or youth trip
- HAAS - Daniel M. z"l, Sophie z"l & Arthur J. z"l Haas Memorial Fund
- Provides a speaker for Temple Israel’s Sisterhood
- HELLMAN - Phyllis Hellman z"l Children's Literature Fund
- Supports Temple Israel's media center
- HERMAN - Aviva Pearl Herman z"l Memorial SHARE Fund
- Provides support to those who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss
- HORNSTEN - The Rabbi Marla Hornsten Standing Against Hate Fund
- Provides support for education and programs focused on standing against hate.
- HOWARD - Lois z"l & Fred z"l Howard Mezuzah Outreach Program Fund
- Supplies Jewish ritual items for the Jewish Personal Trainer program which serves our congregational homes
- HURWITZ - Estelle Hurwitz z"l Bar/Bat Mitzvah Memorial Fund
- Assists Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrants with their Bar/Bat Mitzvah expenses at Temple Israel
- HUTTON - Hutton Family Youth Group Fund
- Provides non-budgeted goods, services and equipment to Temple Israel’s high school youth activities
- INNOVATION - Innovation Fund
- Funds new and innovative projects at the discretion of the executive committee
- IWREY - Iwrey Family Special Needs Fund
- Provides senior programming, transportation and other special needs
- IWREY - Les & Bob Iwrey Children’s Bedtime Ritual Fund of Temple Israel
- Supplies bookplates, tapes and cd’s to families attending a bedtime ritual program
- JACKIER - Larry & Eleanor Jackier Jewish Education Fund
- Funds Torah and text study programming
- JACOBS - Linda & Mark Jacobs Family Fund
- Supports Israel scholarships and audio-visual technology for the Temple
- JUNIOR - Junior Youth Group Fund
- Supports programs for the Junior Youth Group
- KAFTAN - Gloria z"l & Allen z"l Kaftan Shabbat Candlestick Fund
- Provides Shabbat candlesticks to families at the time of the naming of their children at Temple Israel
- KAMIL - Kamil Family Memorial Fund
- Provides assistance to the community through the Family Life Center programming
- KANDEL - Stephan Rosenberger Kandel z"l Nursery Fund
- Supports ECC programming and provides bereavement books for bereaved parents
- KELLER - Joyce Keller & Michael A. Walch Mikvah Fund
- Maintains the beautiful treasure that Temple Israel has in its Mikvah
- KELLMAN - Harry z"l & Phyllis z"l Kellman Memorial Fund
- Supports senior programming at Temple Israel
- KEREN AMI - Keren Ami Fund
- Supports charitable purposes by the religious school
- KIFFERSTEIN - Bertha z"l & Harry z"l Kifferstein Senior Adult Programming Fund
- Supports senior programming at Temple Israel
- KLEIN - Dr. Sander Paul Klein z"l Medical School Scholarship Fund
- Provides a scholarship to a Temple Israel member attending an in-state medical school
- KOMISAR - Abraham Komisar z"l Memorial Fund
- KOVAN - Dr. Dennis J. z"l and Milly z"l Kovan Memorial Fund
- Supports the annual Senior Expo to educate seniors and caregivers and promote active, healthy lives
- KUDEWITZ - Sam z"l & Sonia z"l Kudewitz Holocaust Memorial Fund
- Provides a stipend for teen participation in the “March Of The Living” trip
- LAKER - Harry z"l & Sarah z"l Laker Memorial Concert Fund
- Provides Temple with a concert of music with Jewish content
- LEBOWSKY - Joseph z"l & Bessie z"l Lebowsky Nursery School Fund
- Provides toys, equipment and supplies used by the nursery school
- LEVEY - Fran z"l & Cal z"l Levey Nursery School Scholarship Fund
- Provides scholarships to assist in nursery school fees
- LEVIN - Larry Levin z"l Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Provides a campership for a Temple Israel student for camp or other youth summer trips
- LEVINE - Goldie z"l & Reuben z"l Levine Memorial Fund
- Funds religious school programming
- LEVINE - Samuel Todd Levine z"l Baby Book Fund
- Provides members or children of members with a baby book when their newborns are blessed at Temple Israel
- LIBRARY - Library Fund
- Supports Temple Israel libraries
- LINDEN - Bernard E. z"l & Bernice S. z"l Linden Fine Arts Fund
- Assists acquisition of fine art and art forms, and funds the renovation of objects d’art currently in Temple Israel’s possession
- LINER - Rosalyn Liner z"l & Barry Liner z"l Memorial Fund
- Funds scholarships for youth travel to Israel
- LIPSON - Lipson Family Daily Minyan Fund
- Assists in the expenses of the daily minyan
- LITTMAN - Rena z"l & Marvin z"l Littman Memorial Fund For Camp Scholarships
- Provides camp scholarships
- LOSS - Susan & Rabbi Harold Loss Early Childhood Center Fund
- Supports early childhood center programming
- LUCKOFF- Howard Luckoff Family Fund
Fund in formation - LUFT - Dr. Sol Luft z"l & Beatrice Locker Luft z"l Arizona Shabbat in the Sun Memorial Fund
- Provides funding for the Arizona Shabbat in the Sun
- MARGOLIS - Louis z"l and Lily z"l Margolis Family Challah Fund
- Provides challah to new members, and to those members returning home from the hospital or nursing care
- MILIN - Barbara and Jack Milin Gift Fund
- Provides a gift to a Temple Israel Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrant
- MILLER - Judith and Martin z"l Miller Youth Fund
- Provides funds for youth group participants to attend youth group events
- MILLER - Peggy z"l and Harry z"l Miller Family Fund for Family Camp
- Supports subsidization of family camp programming
- MILLION - Charles A. Million z"l & Carol Million Raf z"l Camp & Rabbinical Scholarship Fund
- Provides a religious school student with a camp scholarship at a UAHC summer camp, or to provide funding for Rabbinic and Cantorial students when Temple Israel has such applicants
- MILLMAN - Barbara and Lawrence Millman Family Chanukah Fund
- Provides holiday celebrations for those in need, through the Temple Israel No Temple Family Without A Chanukah Program
- MINDELL - Mindell/Kutinsky Emergency Needs Memorial Fund
- Provides emergency assistance to families in crisis
- MONASH - Richard Monash z"l Caring Fund
- Supports Temple Israel members in need
- MOVISH - Lynn & Glenn Movish Family Youth Israel Scholarship Fund
- Provides scholarships for the Teen Mission to Israel
- NEWMAN - Newman Family Fund for Library Programs & Resources
- Sponsors adult and children’s book clubs, nursery school story hours, and a Jewish book fair
- ORBACH - Keffy z"l & Cantor Harold z"l Orbach Children’s Concert Fund
- Supports Temple Israel’s children’s concerts
- PANN - Isaac z"l & Yetta Pann Bikkur Chaverim Fund
- Provides volunteer support and materials for visitation of home bound/nursing home individuals
- PAZNER - Scott David Pazner z"l Memorial Scholarship Fund for Single Parents
- Provides Temple Israel religious school scholarships to single parent recipients
- PICKETT - Helen M. Pickett z"l Children’s Reading Fund
- Provides funding for children’s reading programs
- PITT - Irving z"l & Sarah z"l Pitt College Scholarship Fund
- Provides college scholarships to deserving Temple Israel seniors
- PITT - Irving z"l & Sarah z"l Pitt Israel Scholarship Fund
- Provides funding for scholarship assistance for youth pilgrimages to Israel
- PRAYER BOOK - Prayer Book Fund
- Provides prayer books and other religious publications for use by Temple Israel
PROVIZER - Kari Provizer Lifting our Families Fund - For use at the discretion of the Family Life Center Director to help families in crisis
- RABBIS' - Rabbis’ Discretionary Fund
- Supports charitable purposes
- RECORDING - Temple Israel Recording Fund
- Supports music recordings created and performed by Temple clergy
- REIFLER - Faye z"l & Don z"l Reifler Memorial Youth Trip Scholarship Fund
- Provides scholarships to Temple Israel youth group members to attend youth trips
- ROCHEN - Jeffrey David Rochen z"l Memorial Fund
- Provides programming on youth mental health issues
- ROSS - Marsha z"l & Norman z"l Ross ECC Program Fund
- Provides programming assistance to Temple Israel's ECC
- ROTH - George z"l & Anne z"l Roth Youth Education & Awareness Fund
- Educates our religious school students through programming
- ROTH - Michael N. Roth z"l Camp Scholarship Memorial Fund
- Provides support for URJ camperships
- RUBIN - Lynn & Harvey Rubin Social Action Fund
- Provides funding for a variety of social action programs
- SAMSON - Samson Family Minyan Fund
- Assists in the expenses of the daily minyan
- SATOVSKY - Stanley Satovsky z"l Family Fund
- fund being formed
- SCHELBERG - Schelberg Family Shabbat Birthday Book Fund
- Provides children’s books for the Shabbat birthday program
- SCHMIER - Regene z"l & Leslie z"l Schmier Concert Series Endowment Fund
- Provides in perpetuity a high-quality, no charge concert series for the benefit of Temple members, their families and the community at large
- SECURITY - Temple Israel Security Fund
- Supports security efforts at Temple Israel
- SEIDERMAN - Abraham Seiderman z"l Post-College Fund
- Provides financial assistance to a graduate student accepted to or already attending law school or pharmacy school
- SEXTON - Dr. Rose Malach Sexton z"l Memorial Fund
- Provides a campership to a Temple Israel student for travel to Israel
- SHANKER - Susan Shanker z"l Camp Scholarship Fund
- Provides a UAHC campership to a religious school student
- SHAPIRO - Evan Shapiro z"l Youth Rabbi Discretionary Fund
- To support young people in our community deal with serious illness, mental health or physical challenges.
- SISTERHOOD - Sisterhood Greenhouse Fund
- Supports the Early Childhood Center Greenhouse
- SILVER - Debra & Joseph z"l Silver L’dor V’dor, Generation to Generation, Family Garden Fund
- Perpetuates the care and maintenance of Temple Israel’s L’dor V’dor, generation to generation, family gardens
- SILVER - Johanna, I. Walter z"l, and Anne Gonte Silver z"l Early Childhood Center Fund
- Supports early childhood center programming
- SIMONS - Frank L. Simons z"l Memorial Fund
- Provides for Temple Israel leadership conferences
- SKLAR - Kole-Otis-Sklar Families Early Education Fund in Memory of Sheila Otis Sklar z"l, Rose Weider Otis z"l, Irvin Otis z"l, & Dr. Bernard Kole z"l
- Supports nursery (ECC) tot Shabbat picnic programs
- SOLOMON - Anna Ruth z"l, Helen z"l, Lena Solomon z"l & Esther Solomon Krause z"l Summer Camp Scholarship Memorial Fund
- Assists Temple Israel youth to participate in Jewish summer programs
- SOSNICK - Robert Sosnick z"l Family Life Center Endowment Fund
- Supports Temple Israel’s Family Life Center
- STARK - Stark Family Fund
- Provides family programming
- STULBERG - David Arthur Stulberg z"l Memorial Fund
- Funds senior programming at Temple Israel
- SURNOW - Jeffrey Surnow z"l Memorial Fund
- fund being formed
- SYME - Rabbi M. Robert Syme z"l Memorial Fund
- Provides for summer music programming
- SYME - Sonia Syme z"l & Michael Syme z"l Memorial Fund
- Provides camperships and other charitable purposes
- TECHNER - Alicia Joy Techner z"l Memorial Fund
- Provides an annual parenting conference
- Temple Israel Adult Programming Fund
- Supports adult programming at Temple Israel
- THAL - Dorothy Thal z"l Summer Camp Fund
- Provides an award to a Temple Israel youth wishing to participate in a Jewish camp program
- TISDALE - Tisdale Family Indoor Play Space Fund
- Supports the building and maintenance of the play space
- TOBIAS - Tobias Fund
- Provides leadership opportunities for Temple members
- TRUNSKY - Leonard z"l & Roslyn z"l Trunsky College Scholarship Fund
- Supports scholarship funding
- TYNER - Suzanne & Herbert z"l Tyner Religious School Fund
- Provides religious school funding
- UNATIN - Jackie Unatin z"l Memorial Chanukah Fund
- Provides holiday celebrations for those in need, through the Temple Israel No Temple Family Without A Chanukah Program
- VICTOR - Fran Victor Israel Education Fund
- Funds Israel related education and activities
- VICTOR - Juanita z"l & George z"l Victor Mi Shebeirach Blanket Fund
- Provides Mi Shebeirach blankets to hospital, nursing home, and rehab patients
- VIRTUAL - Temple Israel Virtual Programming Fund
- Provides funding for virtual programming and streaming
- WEINBERG - Max z"l & Edith z"l Weinberg Memorial Fund
- Provides funding for Temple Israel’s Weinberg library
- WEINSTEIN - Weinstein Israel Trip Scholarship Fund
- Grants a scholarship to a Temple Israel student for travel to Israel
- WELL - Supports The Well - a Jewish community-building, education, and spiritual initiative. A project of the Lori Talsky Zekelman fund at Temple Israel
- YALDEINU - Yaldeinu Fund
- Funds for children who have been orphaned in our community
- YEDWAB - Wendy & Rabbi Paul Yedwab Youth Enrichment Fund
- Supports a variety of youth enrichment activities offered or sponsored by Temple Israel
- YFTI - YFTI Fund
- Supports YFTI activities and events
- YORKE - Susan & Hanley z"l Yorke Family Fund
- Provides challahs for all Temple sponsored Friday night Shabbat dinners
- YOUTH - Youth Israel Pilgrimage Fund
- Supports youth scholarships for Temple Israel sponsored trips to Israel
- ZATKIN - Judith z"l & Richard z"l Zatkin Youth Fund
- Provides resources for youth group programs
Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785