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  • 		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    Healing Shawl Project		                                </span>

Wrap someone you love in healing and warmth through the gift of a handmade shawl. A knitter or crocheter will be matched with the person receiving the shawl. Then, upon completion, the shawl will be delivered and everyone involved in the shawl’s creation will come together via Zoom call to mark the moment with a blessing. 

We are honored to bring you this program with our partner the Shelby Jane Seyburn Foundation.  The program ‘Healing Shawl - Six Feet of Comfort’ was launched to provide love and comfort for someone who has experienced a trauma. We are excited to work with the Shelby Jane Seyburn Foundation to create this unique program with Temple Israel, which is being supported by the Isaac z”l and Yetta Pann Bikkur Chaverim fund.

Enjoy knitting and/or crocheting? Volunteer to help with this project by contacting Alisa Seyburn at

Request A Healing Shawl Here

Your Contact Info.

Requesting a Shawl for

(Optional) If you like, please tell us about the recipient's circumstances.


Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785