Our youth programs encourage kids to be themselves, to develop as leaders, and to develop a strong sense of Jewish identity. We know how important it is for our youngest members to have engaging opportunities to explore the world around them through a Jewish lens. They’ll connect to each other, with their clergy and advisors, and grow in so many ways.
Meet Your Temple Youth Leaders

Rabbi Jen Lader
Rabbi Jen loved her time in youth group so much, she never left! There is something so incredible about guiding teens through this time in their lives, as they figure out who they are and what’s important to them. Rabbi Jen is honored to walk this path with our young leaders. The relationships she builds with teens is the most sacred part of her role at Temple Israel.
Rabbi Lader is the ‘youth guru’ at Temple Israel, running all teen-related endeavors and keeping up to date on the latest slang for the benefit of her colleagues. She also visions for young adults at the congregation, and serves as the liaison to Thread, NextGen, BBYO, and a variety of other community institutions.

Ross Klar
Ross Klar graduated from Michigan State with a degree in psychology. He has spent many summers working with kids in many different roles at Camp Tanuga. His role there as program director steered him toward applying for the youth director position here at Temple Israel.
Although it is very satisfying seeing an event or trip that he's had a hand in planning go smoothly, what he enjoys most is collaborating with kids themselves on events and programs, and seeing them step up as young leaders. He hopes to bring the same camp-style enthusiasm and energy to the many different events and happenings at Temple.