High Holy Days
We can’t wait to pray together with you, our beloved Temple Israel community, in new and exciting ways. From more traditional services and beautiful family-friendly moments, to educational opportunities and musical, familiar children’s offerings, we are here for all of you...our family...our people.
yom kippur
Repentance, reflection, and prayer. Services begin with Kol Nidre (erev Yom Kippur) and continue through Yom Kippur Day. For those who would like to remain at Temple through the closing service and Yizkor, we also have Yom Kippur study sessions and innovative worship experiences.
Rosh Hashanah
Special services for a sweet New Year. Our Rosh Hashanah Services, held Erev Rosh Hashanah and Rosh Hashanah Day, are filled with celebration music, modern and traditional prayer, and thought-provoking sermons.
- Adult services are for Bar/Bat Mitzvah age and older
- Family Services are for Children 8 years and older (or reading age) with adult family members.
- Children's Services are geared for non-readers and recommended for those 8 years and under along with their families
We speak your language: For families with young children, we offer Children’s Services on the afternoon of both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We encourage children to participate in engaging music, stories...and maybe even a puppet or two! These services are short and sweet, as we’re mindful of our young audience. Family Services are perfect for young readers through bar or bat mitzvah, and are favorites for multigenerational families.

Sukkot Services are held on the first day of Sukkot. First Grade students in our religious school are consecrated during Sukkot. Each year, Temple volunteers decorate the congregational Sukkah. Members are welcome to dine in the Sukkah throughout the holiday.
Simchat torah
A festive Family Simchat Torah Service is held on the eve of the holiday. An adult Simchat Torah Service is held at 10:30 am the next morning.
Temple Israel is committed to making services accessible to those who come to pray with us.
- Wheelchairs are available at the entrance (indoor and outdoor services) for those needing such assistance
- Golfcarts shuttle visitors who cannot walk long distances to and from the parking lot.
- The handicap accessible entrance to the building is through the Chapel entrance
Please call the office at 248-661-5700 if you have any questions about accessibility.
The best megillah reading, hands down. To say Purim is a festive time at Temple Israel would be an understatement. The Book of Esther is read erev Purim at our 21+ PurimPalooza. Then, on the Sunday closest to the holiday, our amazing high school youth group hosts our annual Purim Carnival, complete with games, snacks and celebration. It’s fun for the whole family and you don’t want to miss it!
A celebration of freedom (and brisket). Our Passover services are held on the first day of Passover. All children born to families of our congregation in the last year are blessed by their parents, grandparents and our clergy at our Blessings of the Newborns. Yizkor services are held at the end of the holiday. We also host a Passover workshop prior to the Passover holiday. Led by our clergy, this workshop is designed to help our families create wonderful Passover holiday experiences at home.
One of the highlights of Passover at Temple is our annual Congregational Seder, led by our clergy on the holiday’s second night. Come enjoy all the beautiful ritual and tradition of Passover with your Temple Israel family! This is a fun-filled evening of song, seder, and the retelling of the ancient story of the Exodus. All registrants need to either bring a copy of Family Haggadah, A Seder for All Generations, or purchase one before the dinner.
Something Special for Shavuot. Our 9th grade students are confirmed during erev Shavuot Services. This special service marks our teens’ commitment to a lifetime of Jewish learning and practice. Yizkor Services are held at 10:30 AM the next day.
While the Festival of Lights is primarily celebrated in the home, there are various celebration held at Temple Israel. Check the website calendar for Chanukah events this year.