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We are the pages of the book 
that was begun those many years ago. 
We are the holders of the dream 
that shines brightly in our children’s eyes.  
We are the ember of the flame 
that was gleaned from those who walked before. 
Threads together woven, 
Joys and sorrows to each other bound, 
a people forever united.

Morning minyan

Each morning, we are renewed. Experience the warmth of our morning congretional minyan on Sunday at 9:00 AM. This is a lay-led service open to the community with an opportunity to say Kaddish for loved ones when you are in the period of mourning or observing a yahrzeit.

Yizkor Services

We honor those we have loved and lost with Yizkor services. These special memorial services are held four times a year; on the afternoon of Yom Kippur, the morning of of Shemini Atzaret, an evening yizkor at the end of the Passover week, and on Shavuot morning.  It is a meaningful service and an opportunity for remembrance.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785