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Other Special Shabbat Services


We’ll pray outside in our outdoor pavilion, surrounded by friends, family and community.  The live music and prayer lifts souls as we usher in the Shabbat on Friday nights at 7:00pm to the setting sun.

Shabbat Under the Stars Summer Services Supported by Suzanne and Herbert z”l Tyner

Pray & Play Shabbat

Join us for a family-friendly musical Shabbat geared toward elementary-age children.

Check out the Upcoming Events section of the website to see our latest offerings.

SHABBAT In the sun

Do Shabbat like it’s Summer. Every winter, Temple Israel hosts a Shabbat in the Sun service in Del Ray Beach, FL, and every other winter in Scottsdale, AZ. Pray as if you were in Michigan — without the snow! Join Temple Israel for a special Friday night service, and warm weather schmoozing with friends from home. All Temple Israel members and their guests are welcome. 

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785