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  • 		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    Giving		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description"><strong>Make a real, tangible difference in the world around you by giving back.</strong></span>

“Deeds of giving are the very foundation of our world.”
  - Pirkei Avot 1:2

Temple Israel relies on the generosity of our members to continue serving the Jewish community.  Honor special moments in the lives of your family and friends with a tribute, and invest in our legacy with your gift. 


We use tzedakah to honor a loved one or mark a special occasion. These donations are called Tributes, and there are a variety of ways they can be made at Temple.  Learn more about tributes and our different funds.

Interested in making a tribute? Call our office at (248) 661-5700 or click on the button below.

Make A Tribute Online


We have over 100 different types of Funds at Temple Israel. These provide for charitable purposes, scholarships, trips to Israel and so much more. Funds give those who wish to donate, the opportunity to select a cause that’s meaningful to them. 

See Our List Of Available Funds


There are many opportunities to assist in expanding Temple Israel’s endowment through a gift of a bequest, trust, or other provision that provides sustained income.  Gifts to the Endowment support Temple’s strong Reform Jewish tradition and outreach to continue for generations. Established endowments allow all members of the congregation and the community who are interested in supporting this mission to do so, regardless of personal income or the ultimate gift amount. 

Planned Giving

Make a lasting impact on Temple Israel with a planned gift. Whether you’d like to support us today or plan a gift to benefit our work for future generations, we have a variety of arrangements available for you to choose from. Let us help you create a charitable plan that provides for your family and supports Temple Israel.

For more information on how you can plan a legacy gift, call David Tisdale at 248-661-5700.

Click Here To Learn More

oneg Sponsorships

Looking for a special way to celebrate a baby naming or auf ruf? 

Want to honor a relative or friend’s birthday or anniversary? 

Even commemorate a loved one’s Yahrzeit? 

We invite you to sponsor an Oneg Shabbat for our Friday Night Kabbalat Services. Sponsorship is available for $250. For more information, please email Susan Kirschner or call her at 248-661-5700.


Dedicate a special plaque to beautify Temple Israel and commemorate a loved one or a special occasion. Here are some of the plaques available:


For a gift of $3600, our Garden Plaques serve as a reminder of those who have helped make our spiritual home a gorgeous place to visit, inside and out.

Memorial Board Listing

Honor your loved one of blessed memory.  For a gift of $1000 (for members), you can include your loved one’s name, life story and photographs on our interactive memorial board.  Fill out the form found here to purchase one today. If you have already purchased one, and would like to update the listing with with photos and a biography, click here.

If you have any questions about Memorial Board listings, please email Leah Shamilov ( or call her at (248) 661-5700.

Noah's Ark Dedication Wall

In 2005, Temple Israel’s Early Childhood Center celebrated its 25th Anniversary. To commemorate this special event we created our Noah’s Ark Dedication Wall to honor a child or grandchild.  ”Adopt” an animal for a gift of $2500 or purchase a donor plaque for $720.  Don’t miss the boat on this special gift.

Mosaic Wall

Located in the Tyner Religious School, the Dubrinsky Mosaic Wall is a beautiful way to honor a family member, friend or loved one. Individual tiles are available for a gift of $1800 and serve as a loving, lasting tribute for generations to come.

For more information about these opportunities (except for the Memorial Board), please email or call her at 248-661-5700.


There are so many volunteer opportunities here at Temple Israel! Want to join in on one?

Click Here To View List Of Available Opportunities

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785