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		                                    Tribute Funds		                                </span>

The following is a listing of the available Temple Israel Tribute Funds:

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To ensure Temple Israel is a welcoming, accessible, and inclusive community
ADMINISTRATOR - Administrator's Discretionary Fund
Supports charitable purposes
BUDMAN - Marlene Budman z"l Remembrance Garden Fund
Plants spring flowers annually on the grounds of Temple Israel
CANTOR - Cantor Discretionary Fund
Supports charitable purposes
ENVIRONMENTAL - Temple Israel Environmental Fund
Supports Temple Israel “Green” projects
GOODMAN - Goodman Family Judaica Museum Fund
Provides funding for the Temple Israel Judaica Museum and its programs
HIDDEN - Hidden Jews of Ethiopia Fund
Provides programming and assistance to the Hidden Jews of Ethiopia
HORNSTEN - The Rabbi Marla Hornsten Standing Against Hate Fund
Provides support for education and programs focused on standing against hate
INNOVATION - Innovation Fund
Funds new and innovative projects at the discretion of the executive committee
KOMISAR - Abraham Komisar z"l Memorial Fund *
RABBI - Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Supports charitable purposes
SATOVSKY - Stanley Satovsky z"l Family Fund *
SECURITY - Temple Israel Security Fund
Supports security efforts at Temple Israel
SILVER - Debra & Joseph Silver z"l L’dor V’dor, Generation to Generation, Family Garden Fund
Perpetuates the care and maintenance of Temple Israel’s L’dor V’dor, generation to generation, family gardens
SIMONS - Frank L. Simons z"l Memorial Fund
Provides for Temple Israel leadership conferences
SURNOW - Jeffrey Surnow z"l Memorial Fund *
TOBIAS - Tobias Fund
Provides leadership opportunities for Temple members
VIRTUAL - Temple Israel Virtual Programming Fund
Provides funding for virtual programming and streaming
* Funds in Formation


BROTHERHOOD - Temple Israel Brotherhood Fund
Supports Brotherhood programming
HAAS - Daniel M. z"l, Sophie z"l & Arthur J. z"l Haas Memorial Fund
Provides a speaker for Temple Israel's Sisterhood


ASP - Donna & Alan Asp Emergency Assistance Fund
Provides emergency assistance to Temple Israel members in crisis
APPLE - Donna & Allan Apple Fund For Children With Special Needs
Provides madrachim support for children with special needs
BERNSTEIN - Barbara E. Bernstein z"l Memorial Fund
Provides support to families and individuals suffering a bereavement and provides assistance for family camp
BLOOM - Barbara & Douglas z"l Bloom Special Needs Fund For Single Mothers
Provides assistance to single moms in crisis who are Temple Israel members
COLTON - Josephine z"l & Harry z"l Colton Shabbat B'yachad and College Fund
Provides a First Shabbat dinner to families of newborn or adopted children and college packages
DUBIN - Arthur Dubin Children's Special Needs School Fund
Aids families with children with special needs
GELLER - Florence A. Geller z"l Food For The Needy Fund
Provides food for the needy
FREEMAN - Melvin Freeman z"l Homebound Assistance Fund
Provides homebound Temple Israel members and their caregivers with support and assistance
GORDON - The David and Stacy Gordon Family "Do Good Fund"
Supports programming at Temple Israel that benefits the greater good of our community specifically geared toward social action endeavors.
GOTLIB - Steven Gotlib z"l Memorial Fund
Supports Temple Israel's annual Housing the Homeless project
HERMAN - Aviva Pearl Herman z"l Memorial SHARE Fund
Provides support to those who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss
HURWITZ - Estelle Hurwitz z"l Bar/Bat Mitzvah Memorial Fund
Assists Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrants with their Bar/Bat Mitzvah expenses at Temple Israel
KAMIL - Kamil Family Memorial Fund
Provides assistance to the community through the Family Life Center programming
KANDEL - Stephan Rosenberger Kandel z"l Nursery Fund
Supports ECC programming and provides bereavement books for bereaved parents
MARGOLIS - Louis z"l and Lily z"l Margolis Family Challah Fund
Provides challah to new members, and to those members returning home from the hospital or nursing care
MILLMAN - Barbara and Lawrence Millman Family Chanukah Fund
Provides holiday celebrations for those in need, through the Temple Israel No Temple Family Without A Chanukah Program
MINDELL - Mindell/Kutinsky Emergency Needs Memorial Fund
Provides emergency assistance to families in crisis
MONASH - Richard Monash z"l Caring Fund
Supports Temple Israel members in need
PANN - Isaac z”l & Yetta Pann Bikkur Chaverim Fund
Provides volunteer support and materials for homebound/nursing home individuals
PROVIZER - Kari Provizer Lifting Our Families Fund  
For use at the discretion of the Family Life Center Director to help families in crisis
ROCHEN - Jeffrey David Rochen z"l Memorial Fund
Provides programming for suicide prevention and anti-bullying education for young people in the community
UNATIN - Jackie Unatin z"l Memorial Chanukah Fund
Provides holiday celebrations for those in need, through the Temple Israel No Temple Family Without A Chanukah Program
VICTOR - Juanita z"l and George z"l Victor Mi Shebeirach Blanket Fund
Provides Mi Shebeirach blankets to hospital, nursing home, and rehab patients
YALDEINU - Yaldeinu Fund
Funds for children who have been orphaned in our community


GOTTLIEB - Harold Gottlieb Camp Tamarack Scholarship Fund
Provides need-based scholarships for Temple Israel children attending Camp Tamarack
GROSS - Mollie & Joseph Gross Memorial Fund
Provides a student with a scholarship to attend a camp or other youth summer trip
LEVIN - Larry Levin Memorial Scholarship Fund
Provides a campership for a Temple Israel student for camp or other youth summer trips
LITTMAN - Rena z"l & Marvin z"l Littman Memorial Fund For Camp Scholarships
Provides camp scholarships
MILLION - Charles A. Million & Carol Million Raf Camp & Rabbinical Scholarship Fund
Provides a religious school student with a camp scholarship at a URJ summer camp, or to provide funding for Rabbinic and Cantorial students when Temple Israel has such applicants
ROTH - Michael N. Roth Camp Scholarship Memorial Fund
Provides support for URJ camp scholarships
SHANKER - Susan Shanker Camp Scholarship Fund
Provides a URJ camp scholarship to a religious school student
SOLOMON - Anna Ruth, Helen, Lena Solomon & Esther Solomon Krause Summer Camp Scholarship Memorial Fund
Assists Temple Israel youth to participate in Jewish summer programs
SYME - Sonia Syme & Michael Syme Memorial Fund
Provides camperships and other charitable purposes
THAL - Dorothy Thal Summer Camp Fund
Provides an award to a Temple Israel youth wishing to participate in a Jewish camp program


ABRAMSON - Larry Abramson Junior Choir Fund
Provides Junior Choir awards and other programs
ARNOLD - Susie F. Arnold Education and Choir Fund
Provides funding for education and the Shabbat Singers Choir
BLOOMBERG - Brenda Bloomberg Memorial Awards Fund
Awards books to graduating high school students
BRICKNER - Phyllis & Dr. Gerald z"l Brickner Family "QUEST" Fund
Provides funding for QUEST youth programming
EDELSON - Zachary M. Talan Edelson Maccabi Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships for Temple Israel Maccabi participants
HUTTON - Hutton Family Youth Group Fund
Provides non-budgeted goods, services and equipment to Temple Israel's high school youth activities
IWREY - Les & Bob Iwrey Children's Bedtime Ritual Fund of Temple Israel
Supplies bookplates, tapes and cd's to families attending a bedtime ritual program
JUNIOR - Junior Youth group Fund
Supports programs for the junior Youth Group
LEVINE - Samuel Todd Levine Baby Book Fund
Provides members or children of members with a baby book when their newborns are blessed at Temple Israel
MILLER - Judith and Martin Miller Youth Fund
Provides funds for youth group participants to attend youth group events
MILLER - Peggy z"l and Harry z"l Miller Family Fund for Family Camp
Supports subsidization of family camp programming
MOVISH - Lynn & Glen Movish Family Youth Israel Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships for the Teen Mission to Israel
NEWMAN - Newman Family Fund for Library Programs & Resources
Sponsors adult and children's book clubs, nursery school story hours, and a Jewish book fair
PICKETT - Helen M. Pickett Children's Reading Fund
Provides funding for children's reading programs
REIFLER - Faye & Don Reifler Memorial Youth Trip Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to Temple Israel youth group members to attend youth trips
ROCHEN - Jeffrey David Rochen Memorial Fund
Provides programming for suicide prevention and anti-bullying education for young people in the community
SCHELBERG - Schelberg Family Shabbat Birthday Book Fund
Provides children's books for the Shabbat birthday program
SHAPIRO - Evan Shapiro z"l Youth Rabbi Discretionary Fund
To support young people in our community deal with serious illness, mental health or physical challenges.
TISDALE - Tisdale Family Indoor Play Space Fund
Supports the building and maintenance of the play space
YALDEINU - Yaldeinu Fund
Funds for children who have been orphaned in our community
YEDWAB - Wendy & Rabbi Paul Yedwab Youth Enrichment Fund
Supports a variety of youth enrichment activities offered or sponsored by Temple Israel
Supports YFTI activities and events
YOUTH - Youth Israel Pilgrimage Fund
Supports youth scholarships for Temple Israel sponsored trips to Israel
ZATKIN - Judith & Richard Zatkin Youth Fund
Provides resources for youth group programs


BRENNER - David & Jean Brenner Memorial Scholarship Fund
Provides a graduating Seniors from the Temple Israel high school with a stipend to purchase textbooks
COOPER - Carol R. z"l & Gersh I. z"l Cooper Scholarship Fund for Careers in Healthcare
Provides a scholarship for those pursuing a career in healthcare 
COLTON - Josephine & Harry Colton Shabbat B'yachad and College Fund
Provides a First Shabbat dinner to families of newborn or adopted children and college packages
ELLIS - Stephanie Hope Ellis College Scholarship Fund
Assists a college-bound Temple Israel religious school Seniors
FIENMAN - Anne & Edward Fienman College Scholarship Fund
Provides a college scholarship to a graduating Seniors from Temple Israel religious school
GOODMAN - Albert Goodman College Scholarship Fund
Provides tuition assistance to a graduating Seniors of Temple Israel's religious school
KLEIN - Dr. Sander Paul Klein Medical School Scholarship Fund
Provides a scholarship to a Temple Israel member attending an in-state medical school
PITT - Irving & Sarah Pitt College Scholarship Fund & Irving
Provides college scholarships to deserving Temple Israel Seniors
SEIDERMAN - Abraham Seiderman z"l Post-College Education Fund
Provides financial assistance to a graduate student accepted to or already attending law school or pharmacy school
TRUNSKY - Leonard & Roslyn Trunsky College Scholarship Fund
Supports scholarship funding


FARBER - Audrey & William Farber Education Fund
Supports education programs at Temple Israel
FRAM - Rabbi Leon Fram Scholarship Fund
Supports the Temple Israel’s religious school and nursery school scholarships and programs
GOLDBERG - Dr. Robert B. Goldberg z"l Nursery School Fund
Provides support for ECC programming
GREENHOUSE - Sisterhood Greenhouse Fund
Supports the Early Childhood Center Greenhouse
KANDEL - Stephan Rosenberger Kandel Nursery Fund
Supports ECC programming and provides bereavement books for bereaved parents
LEBOWSKY - Joseph & Bessie Lebowsky Nursery School Fund
Provides toys, equipment and supplies used by the nursery school
LEVEY - Fran & Cal Levey Nursery School Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to assist in nursery school fees
LOSS - Susan and Rabbi Harold Loss Early Childhood Center Fund
Supports early childhood center programming
ROSS - Marsha & Norman Ross ECC Program Fund
Provides programming assistance to Temple Israel's ECC
SILVER - Johanna, I. Walter and Anne Gonte Silver ECC Fund
Supports early childhood center programming
SKLAR - Kole-Otis-Sklar Families Early Education Fund in Memory of Sheila Otis Sklar z"l, Rose Weider Otis z"l, Irvin Otis z"l & Dr. Bernard Kole z"l
Supports nursery (ECC) tot Shabbat picnic programs


BITTKER - Morris & Esther Bittker Picnic Fund
Sponsors the Annual Labor Day Picnic
FORMAN - Dr. Joel Forman Family Challah Roll Fund
Supports the annual Challah Roll bike tour
LUFT - Dr. Sol Luft and Beatrice Locker Luft Arizona Shabbat in the Sun Memorial Fund
Provides funding for the Arizona Shabbat in the Sun
TECHNER - Alicia Joy Techner Memorial Fund
Provides an annual parenting conference

Family Life Center

AGREE - George & Shirley Agree Caring Community Fund
Provides parties for residents of nursing homes, orphanages and shelters
BENDIX - Dr. Stephen Bendix Memorial Fund
Provides substance abuse education
BERNSTEIN - Barbara E. Bernstein Memorial Fund
Provides support to families and individuals suffering a bereavement and provides assistance for family camp
COMMUNITY - Caring Community Fund
Supports the programs of Temple Israel's Caring Community
GOTLIB - Steven Gotlib Memorial Fund
Supports Temple Israel's annual Housing the Homeless project
HERMAN - Aviva Pearl Herman Memorial SHARE Fund
Provides support to those who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss
KAMIL - Kamil Family Memorial Fund
Provides assistance to the community through the Family Life Center programming
MARGOLIS - Louis and Lily Margolis Family Challah Fund
Provides challah to new members, and to those members returning home from the hospital or nursing care
PROVIZER - Kari Provizer Lifting Our Families Fund  
For use at the discretion of the Family Life Center Director to help families in crisis
RUBIN - Lynn & Harvey Rubin Social Action Fund
Provides funding for a variety of social action programs
SHAPIRO - Evan Shapiro Fund For The Fight Against Cancer
Provides for cancer awareness programs, research and camp scholarships for children with cancer
TECHNER - Alicia Joy Techner Memorial Fund
Provides an annual parenting conference


ADULT ISRAEL - Adult Israel Pilgrimage Fund
Supports Temple Israel Pilgrimages to Israel for adults
ANTI-SEMITISM - Temple Israel Anti-Semitism Education Fund
Provides support for anti-Semitism education and programming
BARR - Miriam & Dr. Isaac Barr Israel Education Fund
To preserve the legacy of Miriam (Miri) Barr (Mania Lieder), a Holocaust survivor and, by inference, the Holocaust Jewish experience. She believed: 1. Israel is the core of Jewish existence, 2. Antisemitism must be challenged, 3. We must be proud of our Jewish heritage and teach to respect our history and core values.
CANTOR - Courtney Lisa Cantor Israel Travel Scholarship Fund
Provides funds for youth travel to Israel
COHN - Irwin I. Cohn Memorial Scholarship Fund
Provides funds for a trip to Israel for a Temple Israel student
GELMAN - Jascha Gelman Memorial Fund
Provides funding for Israel trip scholarships
JACOBS - Linda & Mark Jacobs Family Fund
Supports Israel scholarships and audio-visual technology for the Temple
KUDEWITZ - Sam & Sonia Kudewitz Holocaust Memorial Fund
Provides a stipend for teen participation in the “March Of The Living” trip
MOVISH - Lynn & Glen Movish Family Youth Israel Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships for the Teen Mission to Israel
PITT - Sarah Pitt Israel Scholarship Fund
Provides funding for scholarship assistance for youth pilgrimages to Israel
SEXTON - Dr. Rose Malach Sexton Memorial Fund
Provides a scholarship to a Temple Israel student for travel to Israel
VICTOR - Fran Victor Israel Education Fund
Funds Israel related education and activities
WEINSTEIN - Weinstein Israel Trip Scholarship Fund
Grants a scholarship to a Temple Israel student for travel to Israel
YOUTH - Youth Israel Pilgrimage Fund
Supports youth scholarships for Temple Israel sponsored trips to Israel

Jewish LIFE

BARR - Miriam & Dr. Isaac Barr Israel Education Fund
To preserve the legacy of Miriam (Miri) Barr (Mania Lieder), a Holocaust survivor and, by inference, the Holocaust Jewish experience. She believed: 1. Israel is the core of Jewish existence, 2. Antisemitism must be challenged, 3. We must be proud of our Jewish heritage and teach to respect our history and core values.
BRENDT - Mary Lou & Gary Berndt Minyan Fund
Supports minyans at Temple Israel
FOX - Jacqueline R. Fox Torah Study & School Scholarship Fund
Provides school scholarships and funding for the Torah study class
GOLD - Dr. Fredric & Linda Gold Newlywed Mezuzah Fund
Provides a new Mezuzah and scroll to all newlywed couples blessed by our rabbis
GOODMAN - Sylvia Goodman Memorial Fund
Provides support for Temple Israel Torah studies
HOWARD - Lois & Fred Howard Mezuzah Outreach Program Fund
Supplies Jewish ritual items for the Jewish Personal Trainer program which serves our congregational homes
JACKIER - Larry & Eleanor Jackier Jewish Education Fund
Funds Torah and text study programming
KAFTAN - Gloria & Allen Kaftan Shabbat Candlestick Fund
Provides Shabbat candlesticks to families at the time of the naming of their children at Temple Israel
LEVINE - Samuel Todd Levine Baby Book Fund
Provides members or children of members with a baby book when their newborns are blessed at Temple Israel
LINER - Rosalyn Liner z"l & Barry Liner z"l Memorial Fund
Funds scholarships for youth travel to Israel
LIPSON - Lipson Family Daily Minyan Fund
Assists in the expenses of the daily minyan
MILIN - Barbara and Jack Milin Gift Fund
Provides a gift to a Temple Israel Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrant
PRAYER BOOK - Prayer Book Fund
Provides prayer books and other religious publications for use by Temple Israel
SAMSON - Samson Family Minyan Fund
Assists in the expenses of the daily minyan
VICTOR - Fran Victor Israel Education Fund
Funds Israel related education and activities
WALCH - Joyce Keller & Michael A. Walch Mikvah Fund
Maintains the beautiful treasure that Temple Israel has in its Mikvah
YORKE - Susan & Hanley Yorke Family Fund
Provides challahs for all Temple sponsored Friday night Shabbat dinners


DANTO - Ethel & Robert Danto Children's Library & Media Center Fund
Provides annual support for the Hodari Family Children's Library and Media Center
GORBACK - Esther & Jack Gorback Family Archives Fund
Supports the Temple Israel archives
HELLMAN - Phyllis Hellman Children's Literature Fund
Supports Temple Israel's media center
JACOBS - Linda & Mark Jacobs Family Fund
Supports Israel scholarships and audio-visual technology for the Temple
LIBRARY - Library Fund
Supports Temple Israel Libraries
NEWMAN - Newman Family Fund for Library Programs & Resources
Sponsors adult and children's book clubs, nursery school story hours, and a Jewish book fair
PICKETT - Helen M. Pickett Children's Reading Fund
Provides funding for children's reading programs
SCHELBERG - Schelberg Family Shabbat Birthday Book Fund
Provides children's books for the Shabbat birthday program
WEINBERG - Max & Edith Weinberg Memorial Fund
Provides funding for Temple Israel's Weinberg library

Music and art

ABRAMSON - Larry Abramson Junior Choir Fund
Provides Junior Choir awards and other programs
APPEL - Appel Family Concert Fund
Provides funding for an annual music program
ARNOLD - Susie F. Arnold Education and Choir Fund
Provides funding for education and the Shabbat Singers Choir
ARTS - Fine Arts Fund
Supports the purchases of fine art at Temple Israel
CONCERT/LECTURE - Concert/Lecture Fund of Temple Israel
Assists in the support of concerts and lectures at Temple Israel
GOODMAN - Goodman Family Judaica Museum Fund
Provides funding for the Temple Israel Judaica Museum and its programs
GOTTLIEB - Stephen Gottlieb z"l Memorial Endowment Fund
Supports Temple Israel music programs
LAKER - Harry & Sarah Laker Memorial Concert Fund
Provides Temple with a concert of music with Jewish content
LINDEN - Bernard E. & Bernice S. Linden Fine Arts Fund
Assists acquisition of fine art and art forms, and funds the renovation of objects d'art currently in Temple Israel's possession
ORBACH - Keffy & Cantor Harold Orbach Children’s Concert Fund
Supports Temple Israel’s children’s concerts
RECORDING - Temple Israel Recording Fund
Supports music recordings created and performed by Temple clergy
SCHMIER - Regene & Leslie Schmier Concert Series Endowment Fund
Provides in perpetuity a high-quality, no charge concert series for the benefit of Temple
SYME - Rabbi M. Robert Syme Memorial Fund
Provides for summer music programming


BARBAS - Barbas Family Fund
Provides program funding for empty nester adults
BARRIS - Barris Family Fund
Provides speakers for Temple Israel programming  
BENDIX - Dr. Stephen Bendix Memorial Fund
Provides substance abuse education
COLLENS - Dorothy & Arnold Collens Family Event Fund
Provides funding for family programming
FARBER - Audrey & William Farber Education Fund
Supports education programs at Temple Israel
FENTON - Aaron Fenton z"l Memorial Fund
Provides funding for Temple Israel programming
GOODMAN - Arnie Goodman z"l Memorial Fund
Provides funding for education programming for parents, educators, and the community
GORDON - The David and Stacy Gordon Family "Do Good Fund"
Supports programming at Temple Israel that benefits the greater good of our community specifically geared toward social action endeavors.
HERMAN - Aviva Pearl Herman Memorial SHARE Fund
Provides support to those who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss
IWREY - Les & Bob Iwrey Children's Bedtime Ritual Fund of Temple Israel
Supplies bookplates, tapes and cd's to families attending a bedtime ritual program
IWREY A - Iwrey Family Special Needs Fund
Provides Seniors programming, transportation and other special needs
KELLMAN - Harry & Phyllis Kellman Memorial Fund
Supports Seniors programming at Temple Israel
KIFFERSTEIN - Bertha & Harry Kifferstein Seniors Adult Programming Fund
Supports Seniors programming at Temple Israel
RUBIN - Lynn & Harvey Rubin Social Action Fund
Provides funding for a variety of social action programs
SHAPIRO - Evan Shapiro Fund For The Fight Against Cancer
Provides for cancer awareness programs, research and camp scholarships for children with cancer
SOSNICK - Robert Sosnick Family Life Center Endowment Fund
Supports Temple Israel's Family Life Center
STARK - Stark Family Fund
Provides family programming
STULBERG - David Arthur Stulberg Memorial Fund
Funds Seniors programming at Temple Israel
Temple Israel Adult Programming Fund
Supports adult programming at Temple Israel

religious school

BARR - Maurice Edwin Barr Hebrew Scholarship Fund
Provides engraved bibles to two outstanding 8th grade students
BLOOMBERG - Brenda Bloomberg Memorial Awards Fund
Awards books to graduating high school students
BROWN - Brown Family Hebrew Education Fund
Provides a full need-based Hebrew School scholarship annually
FRAM - Rabbi Leon Fram Scholarship Fund
Supports the Temple Israel’s religious school and nursery school scholarships and programs
GRANDON - Samuel F. Grandon & Sylvia Grandon Goldstein Memorial Fund
Provides books as prizes to students in the religious school
KEREN - Keren Ami Fund
Supports charitable purposes by the religious school
LEVINE - Goldie & Reuben Levine Memorial Fund
Funds religious school programming
MILLION - Charles A. Million & Carol Million Raf Camp & Rabbinical Scholarship Fund
Provides a religious school student with a camp scholarship at a UAHC summer camp, or to provide funding for Rabbinic and Cantorial students when Temple Israel has such applicants
PAZNER - Scott David Pazner Memorial Scholarship Fund For Single Parents
Provides Temple Israel religious school scholarships to single parent recipients
ROTH - George & Anne Roth Youth Education & Awareness Fund
Educates our religious school students through programming
TYNER - Suzanne & Herbert Tyner Religious School Fund
Provides religious school funding


BRENNER - David & Jean Brenner Memorial Scholarship Fund
Provides a graduating Seniors from the Temple Israel high school with a stipend to purchase textbooks
BROWN - Brown Family Hebrew Education Fund
Provides a full need-based Hebrew School scholarship annually
CANTOR - Courtney Lisa Cantor Israel Travel Scholarship Fund
Provides funds for youth travel to Israel
COHN - Irwin I. Cohn Memorial Scholarship Fund
Provides funds for a trip to Israel for a Temple Israel student
COOPER - Carol R. & Gersh I. Cooper Scholarship Fund for Careers in Healthcare
ELLIS - Stephanie Hope Ellis College Scholarship Fund
Assists a college-bound Temple Israel religious school Seniors
FIENMAN - Anne & Edward Fienman College Scholarship Fund
Provides a college scholarship to a graduating Seniors from Temple Israel religious school
FOX - Jacqueline R. Fox Torah Study & School Scholarship Fund
Provides school scholarships and funding for the Torah study class
FRAM - Rabbi Leon Fram Scholarship Fund
Supports the Temple Israel’s religious school and nursery school scholarships and programs
GELMAN - Jascha Gelman Memorial Fund
Provides funding for Israel trip scholarships
GOLDBERG - Dr. Robert B. Goldberg Nursery School Scholarship Fund
Provides nursery school scholarships for Temple Israel students
GOODMAN - Albert Goodman College Scholarship Fund
Provides tuition assistance to a graduating Seniors of Temple Israel's religious school
GOTTLIEB - Harold Gottlieb Camp Tamarack Scholarship Fund
Provides need-based scholarships for Temple Israel children attending Camp Tamarack
GROSS - Mollie & Joseph Gross Memorial Fund
Provides a student with a scholarship to attend a camp or other youth summer trip
JACOBS - Linda & Mark Jacobs Family Fund
Supports Israel scholarships and audio-visual technology for the Temple
KLEIN - Dr. Sander Paul Klein Medical School Scholarship Fund
Provides a scholarship to a Temple Israel member attending an in-state medical school
KUDEWITZ - Sam & Sonia Kudewitz Holocaust Memorial Fund
Provides a stipend for teen participation in the “March Of The Living” trip
LEVEY - Fran & Cal Levey Nursery School Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to assist in nursery school fees
LEVIN - Larry Levin Memorial Scholarship Fund
Provides a campership for a Temple Israel student for camp or other youth summer trips
LINER - Rosalyn Liner & Barry Liner Memorial Fund
Funds scholarships for youth travel to Israel
LITTMAN - Rena z"l & Marvin z"l Littman Memorial Fund For Camp Scholarships
Provides camp scholarships
MILLION - Charles A. Million & Carol Million Raf Camp & Rabbinical Scholarship Fund
Provides a religious school student with a camp scholarship at a UAHC summer camp, or to provide funding for Rabbinic and Cantorial students when Temple Israel has such applicants
MOVISH - Lynn & Glen Movish Family Youth Israel Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships for the Teen Mission to Israel
PAZNER - Scott David Pazner Memorial Scholarship Fund For Single Parents
Provides Temple Israel religious school scholarships to single parent recipients
PITT - Sarah Pitt Israel Scholarship Fund
Provides funding for scholarship assistance for youth pilgrimages to Israel
PITT - Irving & Sarah Pitt College Scholarship Fund & Irving
Provides college scholarships to deserving Temple Israel Seniors
REIFLER - Faye & Don Reifler Memorial Youth Trip Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to Temple Israel youth group members to attend youth trips
ROTH - Michael N. Roth Camp Scholarship Memorial Fund
Provides support for URJ camp scholarships
SEIDERMAN - Abraham Seiderman Higher Education Fund
Provides financial assistance to a graduate student accepted to or alrady attending law school or pharmacy school
SEXTON - Dr. Rose Malach Sexton Memorial Fund
Provides a scholarship to a Temple Israel student for travel to Israel
SHANKER - Susan Shanker Camp Scholarship Fund
Provides a UAHC camp scholarship to a religious school student
SOLOMON - Anna Ruth, Helen, Lena Solomon & Esther Solomon Krause Summer Camp Scholarship Memorial Fund
Assists Temple Israel youth to participate in Jewish summer programs
SYME - Sonia Syme & Michael Syme Memorial Fund
Provides camperships and other charitable purposes
TALAN - Zachary M. Talan Edelson Maccabi Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships for Temple Israel Maccabi participants
THAL - Dorothy Thal Summer Camp Fund
Provides an award to a Temple Israel youth wishing to participate in a Jewish camp program
TRUNSKY - Leonard & Roslyn Trunsky College Scholarship Fund
Supports scholarship funding
WEINSTEIN - Weinstein Israel Trip Scholarship Fund
Grants a scholarship to a Temple Israel student for travel to Israel
YOUTH - Youth Israel Pilgrimage Fund
Supports youth scholarships for Temple Israel sponsored trips to Israel


AGREE - George & Shirley Agree Caring Community Fund
Provides parties for residents of nursing homes, orphanages and shelters
IWREY - Iwrey Family Special Needs Fund
Provides Seniors programming, transportation and other special needs
KELLMAN - Harry & Phyllis Kellman Memorial Fund
Supports Seniors programming at Temple Israel
KIFFERSTEIN - Bertha & Harry Kifferstein Seniors Adult Programming Fund
Supports Seniors programming at Temple Israel
KOVAN - Dr. Dennis J. and Milly Kovan Memorial Fund
Supports the annual Senior Expo to educate Seniors and caregivers and promote active, healthy lives
PANN - Isaac z”l & Yetta Pann Bikkur Chaverim Fund
Provides volunteer support and materials for homebound/nursing home individuals
STULBERG - David Arthur Stulberg Memorial Fund
Funds Seniors programming at Temple Israel

The well

The Well - A Project of the Lori Talsky Zekelman Fund
A Jewish community-building, education and spiritually initiative
Sun, March 30 2025 1 Nisan 5785